Hi everyone,
You know I went to Portland to the Rudrananda Ashram last week. It was a time for a lot of learning. If I can sum up everything in a sentence it's this:
Live your life true to your heart, doing what needs to be done, without attachment to your ideas for outcome and with full trust in the unimaginable possibility that is Life and everything it holds for you.
(The guy with the orange shirt and yellow garland of flowers is Swami Chetanananda. 4 Brahmin priests chanting and performing the Puja and Havan. The ritual went on for 2 days. Lakshmi is a major Hindu goddess associated with spiritual and material wealth and prosperity, as well as light, beauty and wisdom. This rituals were meant to celebrate the spiritual abundance that Swami Rudrananda represents to the lineage and all people who's lives he has transformed.)